Monday, July 16, 2012

We are preparing for Sona

Ooohhhh...who is that? Thats the pet name of my new sister. She should be here in 10 days. We spent all weekend cleaning up the house, preparing her room, her clothes. I helped Nana,Mommy and Ammama. Nanai and Thatha already sorted out all the clothes for her.
I have been learning a lot of things lately. I learnt to whine. I was whining yesterday and Mommy looked at me seriously. I could not stop myself from laughing. I think Nana and Mommy are getting all of my drama. They seem to have figured it out. I am giving them a hard time while eating my food. Mommy runs around a lot to feed me and Nana wakes up in the middle of the night to feed me more milk.
I am getting into the habit of holding Nana and Mommys fungers with both hands and taking them to whereever I need to go. Like, when I feel sleepy, I take them towards the bedroom. If I need to go out, I take them to the garage.
We played with fireworks over the weekend. We played with sparklers.

Oh, I almost forgot. I joined Gymboree for a class last week. We went last saturday and this saturday. Nana and I went with Mommy and ammmama last time, but since Mommy is getting too big, Nana and I went ourselves this week. I had a lot of fun. And, like last week, Mommy and Ammama took me to Michella and Michael's house in the morning and I played with them. I snatched Michelle's chicken nuggets and stuffed them in my mouth before she could snatch them from me. :-)

Nana and I danced on sunday and relaxed. My cold still seems to be lingering. Everyone in the house is cleaning my nose from time to time. Nana gave it to me and he still has it too.

Did I tell you that I can say 'No' now. I say it for everything. Shhhhh...Bindu Aunty planned a surprise baby shower for Mommy today. Nana, Ammamma and Bindu aunty are all making secret preparations.

I dont like being disturbed while I eat my chicken nuggets.

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