Sunday, July 29, 2012

Chelle is HERE!!!!!!

Chelle was born on Nana's birthday at 11:58am. I went to the hospital in the evening to see her. She is very cute. Guess what, she was born in the exact same hospital, exact same operating room, with the same doc. Isn't that cute. She doesnt look like Nana though. She looks different. Unlike me, I looked like a photo copy of Nana when I was born.
We brought her home on Thursday. Ammama and Mommy have been caring for her, while Nana and I are hanging out. Nana is spending time with her when I am asleep or busy with something else. I am sticking with Nana, all day everyday since he is staying home with us.
Nana and I went to my Gymboree class yesterday. And target too, to buy snacks for Mommy. Mommy is sick so we are taking care of her.Today, Nana and I went to the mall. We shopped for a fridge and then went on the train. We played in the town center play area for sometime.

Oh, I almost forgot, I am starting to say a lot of words. I say ' thaan' for fan. For eyes I say I, Nose I say No, mouth I say mau. I can say BYE now. I say hi and bye to everyone now. I recognize Nani and Thatha on the phone when we do facetime. I give kisses. I can say mamma for Ammamma.  

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