Sunday, July 29, 2012

Chelle is HERE!!!!!!

Chelle was born on Nana's birthday at 11:58am. I went to the hospital in the evening to see her. She is very cute. Guess what, she was born in the exact same hospital, exact same operating room, with the same doc. Isn't that cute. She doesnt look like Nana though. She looks different. Unlike me, I looked like a photo copy of Nana when I was born.
We brought her home on Thursday. Ammama and Mommy have been caring for her, while Nana and I are hanging out. Nana is spending time with her when I am asleep or busy with something else. I am sticking with Nana, all day everyday since he is staying home with us.
Nana and I went to my Gymboree class yesterday. And target too, to buy snacks for Mommy. Mommy is sick so we are taking care of her.Today, Nana and I went to the mall. We shopped for a fridge and then went on the train. We played in the town center play area for sometime.

Oh, I almost forgot, I am starting to say a lot of words. I say ' thaan' for fan. For eyes I say I, Nose I say No, mouth I say mau. I can say BYE now. I say hi and bye to everyone now. I recognize Nani and Thatha on the phone when we do facetime. I give kisses. I can say mamma for Ammamma.  

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Still waiting for my sister

Nana and I went to Costco today to get some last minute stuff to prepare for the arrival of my sister. We factimed with Sajiv and Shreeya akka. I keep looking for Nana all the time. And I facetimed with Chinna Nani too. We saw sparky again.

I almost forgot, I wore a cute dress that Nani brought for me. It finally fits. Nana has been cleaning all the silver things that we have. He wants everything to be shiny for me and my sister. As you know, I got a glass, plate, bowls and a lot of other silver stuff from my Nani, Thathas and Thathamma.

I have been rubbing mommy's belly for Chelle. Cant wait to see her.

Oh, I almost forgot, did I tell you that I have been practising a lot of dance moves lately. All the moves that Thatha taught me.....I still remember. And I am learning from watching the movie song(Dookudu, Mirpakai).

Oh, and I ate Jello yesterday for the first time.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Waiting for my sister

We are all anxiously waiting for the arrival of my sister. I cant wait to see how she looks. I want to play with her. I rub Mommy's belly everyday and look for Chelle everyday.
Oh, did I tell you. I have been learning a lot of things lately. I learnt to say Mummy's name. I smell eveything before eating it. I try to whine to get what I want. I am all drama now. I always want to hang out with Nana. Nana is my first choice for everything. If Nana is home, I make him to everything for me. He changes my diaper, he plays with me, we take bubble baths. When Nana is not home, I stick to Mommy. And when Mommy is not home, I go to Ammamma.
Nana and I went to my Gymboree class again today. It was so much fun. I wanted to stay back but Nana wanted us to go home.We went to Trader Joes yesterday and I played with the automatic door forever. It was so much fun.

I started playing in the car with Nana. I am practising to drive too.Mommy applied Nail Polish to my finger nails for the first time. I was it for Ammamma and asked for it, so Mommy put it on for me. It was so much fun.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Suprise Baby Shower for Mommy

Bindu aunty threw a surprise baby shower for mommy yesterday. She was really surprised. It was in Bindu aunty's basement. There were some really cool decorations. Ammmama and Bindu aunty did the prep and Nana helped.
A lot of people from the neighborhood and a few of Nana and Mommys friends came.

I wore a cute orange dress.

Oh, I almost forgot. I sang along with Ammamma while she was singing a song during the ceremony.

Monday, July 16, 2012

We are preparing for Sona

Ooohhhh...who is that? Thats the pet name of my new sister. She should be here in 10 days. We spent all weekend cleaning up the house, preparing her room, her clothes. I helped Nana,Mommy and Ammama. Nanai and Thatha already sorted out all the clothes for her.
I have been learning a lot of things lately. I learnt to whine. I was whining yesterday and Mommy looked at me seriously. I could not stop myself from laughing. I think Nana and Mommy are getting all of my drama. They seem to have figured it out. I am giving them a hard time while eating my food. Mommy runs around a lot to feed me and Nana wakes up in the middle of the night to feed me more milk.
I am getting into the habit of holding Nana and Mommys fungers with both hands and taking them to whereever I need to go. Like, when I feel sleepy, I take them towards the bedroom. If I need to go out, I take them to the garage.
We played with fireworks over the weekend. We played with sparklers.

Oh, I almost forgot. I joined Gymboree for a class last week. We went last saturday and this saturday. Nana and I went with Mommy and ammmama last time, but since Mommy is getting too big, Nana and I went ourselves this week. I had a lot of fun. And, like last week, Mommy and Ammama took me to Michella and Michael's house in the morning and I played with them. I snatched Michelle's chicken nuggets and stuffed them in my mouth before she could snatch them from me. :-)

Nana and I danced on sunday and relaxed. My cold still seems to be lingering. Everyone in the house is cleaning my nose from time to time. Nana gave it to me and he still has it too.

Did I tell you that I can say 'No' now. I say it for everything. Shhhhh...Bindu Aunty planned a surprise baby shower for Mommy today. Nana, Ammamma and Bindu aunty are all making secret preparations.

I dont like being disturbed while I eat my chicken nuggets.

Friday, July 13, 2012

I learnt to say 'No'

Today, I learnt to say 'No'. I said 'No' when Nana played the wrong chapter in the Teletubbies videos. That was my first no to Nana. Nana and I went to a new park yesterday. It was so much fun. It was at a school in Reston where Kumar uncle plays cricket. I explored the whole park. Played on the swing for the first time. I sat on Nana for the fist few times and then went all by myself. I did not like the swing that much though. I like the slides. There were 5-6 slides there.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Nana gave me a cold

Nana had a cold and in 2 days, he gave it to me. I had the cold for 2 days and it went away.
Nana and I went to a community desi party at Shritha akkas house on saturday. We spent all day sunday at home since it was very hot outside. Nana and I went to the Airport park in the evening. I watched Teletubbies in the car and I am starting to enjoy them. I learnt to say 'aaaiy' and smack the floor when I fall down and hurt myself. I started doing 'Palti' all by myself, since Nana has been helping me do it for a while. I am still not good at it but I am practicing.
Nana and Mommy told me that chelle is coming to this world on July 24th. I cant wait to see her and play with her. We will be best buddies. I will share all my toys with her.
Playing at the airport park

Relaxed ride on my bike

Monday, July 2, 2012

Nana went to NJ for another Diya's 21st day

This weekend was not very exciting. We did have a few guests, Ammamas friends and relatives come visit our house and stay overnight. But, Nana went to New Jersey to meet with the gang. They all went to long island, NY to visit another Diya. She is now about 2 months old. I missed being with Nana all of Sunday. That was not very exiciting. I did not let him go to his office on Monday. I hung onto him for a long long time. I did not want him to go anywhere again.
Today, I was walking past ammama and tripped on her feet. I fell on the kitchen floor and had my first bubu with blood. My lip started bleeding. Nana was not very happy about it. I even showed Nana which tile hit me. We both beat the tile.:-) I usually beat back anything that hurts me.

I almost forgot, I love keeping everything around me clean. I close doors behind Mommy. I clean up after spills. I think I got it from Nani and Nana.

Cleaning talent

Keeping the house organized