Monday, July 21, 2014

My fun trip to India with Nana

Nana and I decided to go to India to see Nani. Nana bought a Sofia roller suitcase for me, in which I packed my clothes. I rolled it all by myself. We left mummy and Sona at the airport and got on a train to get to the plane. Once on the plane, we watched movies, I made friends with a Telugu Aunty and she played and talked with me. 
We then slept and I woke up in Doha. At Doha, we ate pizza with Reva Akka who was also traveling with her Dad. 

Once we landed in India, I ran towards Nana and Thatha. I hesitated to go to Ammamma and Thatha but I eventually went. Pandu drove us home. It was so much fun. No seat belt needed. I was standing in the middle of the front 2 seats. 

I woke up at 2 or 3am on most days, but I was being quiet because Nana would sleep with us and I did not want to disturb her. Thatha made palu and other things for me. Nani cooked dosa and idli, Ammamma kept sending a lot of other things because I did not want to stay without Nana and go to Ammammas place. 
I played with Eshu and Dhruv a few times. I played with Arjun who was also in India. I played with Aryan. I played with Lalli. I was fed by Nani, Thatha, Nana, Ammamma, Divya Attha, Smitha Attha, Hashwitha pinni. I met Thathamma and drew cows with Smitha Attha. I rode Aryans motorcycle and drove his hummer. 

Nana, Nani, Thatha and I went to NTR gardens and rode on a train. We went on a little roller coaster. We went to Bumble bee play area with Eshu/Dhruv once and then with Nani/Thatha. I behaved like a good girl when Nana left me with Nani and Thatha alone. 
I had so much fun and barely remembered Mummy and Sona. I did miss Sona a few times and asked for her and talked about her. She is cute.  
Sona missed Nana a lot. And Nana missed Sona too. She kept saying 'Nana I come you'. 

Nana, Nani , Thatha and I went shopping, went to McDonalds, went to Chutneys to eat a silly Dosa. Nana and I went in an autorickshaw. 

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