Monday, July 21, 2014

My fun trip to India with Nana

Nana and I decided to go to India to see Nani. Nana bought a Sofia roller suitcase for me, in which I packed my clothes. I rolled it all by myself. We left mummy and Sona at the airport and got on a train to get to the plane. Once on the plane, we watched movies, I made friends with a Telugu Aunty and she played and talked with me. 
We then slept and I woke up in Doha. At Doha, we ate pizza with Reva Akka who was also traveling with her Dad. 

Once we landed in India, I ran towards Nana and Thatha. I hesitated to go to Ammamma and Thatha but I eventually went. Pandu drove us home. It was so much fun. No seat belt needed. I was standing in the middle of the front 2 seats. 

I woke up at 2 or 3am on most days, but I was being quiet because Nana would sleep with us and I did not want to disturb her. Thatha made palu and other things for me. Nani cooked dosa and idli, Ammamma kept sending a lot of other things because I did not want to stay without Nana and go to Ammammas place. 
I played with Eshu and Dhruv a few times. I played with Arjun who was also in India. I played with Aryan. I played with Lalli. I was fed by Nani, Thatha, Nana, Ammamma, Divya Attha, Smitha Attha, Hashwitha pinni. I met Thathamma and drew cows with Smitha Attha. I rode Aryans motorcycle and drove his hummer. 

Nana, Nani, Thatha and I went to NTR gardens and rode on a train. We went on a little roller coaster. We went to Bumble bee play area with Eshu/Dhruv once and then with Nani/Thatha. I behaved like a good girl when Nana left me with Nani and Thatha alone. 
I had so much fun and barely remembered Mummy and Sona. I did miss Sona a few times and asked for her and talked about her. She is cute.  
Sona missed Nana a lot. And Nana missed Sona too. She kept saying 'Nana I come you'. 

Nana, Nani , Thatha and I went shopping, went to McDonalds, went to Chutneys to eat a silly Dosa. Nana and I went in an autorickshaw. 

Relaxed summer weekend and birthday party

We went to Tanish's birthday party on Saturday. It was fun. I played with Sloka and Sahasra akka's. We played and got very tired. On Sunday, mummy took us to a carnival in Ashburn. After that we went to the mall and rode the train with Nana. 
Ate at the mall and relaxed before going to Suryansh's home. 
We played with boys toys for a long time.