Monday, September 17, 2012

My first farm visit

I visited a farm for the first time in my life. We went to great country farms to pick apples. We took chelle with us too. It was fun. We went on a bus to the farm, we picked a lot of apples. I loved the bus ride and then I picked a lot of apples. We came back and I went on the cow train. I jumped on a giant pillow. Nana and mommy were scared that I would be scared. They worry about me for no reason.
I had so much fun, I tried to jump like other kids and fell so many times. And the pillow kept bouncing even when I fell down. Oh, so much fun.

We spend the sunday relaxing at home. Nana and I had a bubble bath.

Oh, I almost forgot. I have been learning a lot of words lately.

Banana - maana
Ice cream - iiiii
bathroom - pipi, bush
Nani - nani
Thatha - thatha - I know recognize them on facetime and call them out.
Aryan - aaeen
apple - appul
Bus - bossh
Pari - paaeeee - When Nana calls my name and I repeat it.
Daa - dhaa - When someone calls me, I say dhaa back.

I am starting to ask to go to bush. I think I will be potty trained very soon.

On the bus at the farm
Picking apples at the farm
On the giant pillow at the farm

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