Sunday, January 22, 2012

I'm 11 months old! Yay!!

I've been watching planes lately, so Daddy decided to take me, Nani and Thatha to the Air and Space Museum. We saw a LOT of planes.We went to the Observation tower and saw a lot of planes land.
I have been learning to do a lot of things lately. I learnt to ask Nani and Thatha who called, when the phone rings. I say namaste to elders. I show how the plane flies.I learnt to sing. I learnt to dance. Everytime I hear a song, I start dancing. I even danced yesterday, while standing ont he sofa(balancing) and holding the iPAD which was playing the Hello Kitty song. Ain't that AWESOME!
Oh, I almost forgot Daddy and I went to YMCA for my second swimming lesson. This time we left Thatha at home and took Mommy. It was fun as always.

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