Tuesday, December 27, 2011

My first Christmas

Daddy tells me we are Hindu and we dont celebrate Christmas. So we went to Daddy's friends and Nani/Thathas Indian neighbors house for a party. I met a lot of kids and we stayed up late. I was awake until 12pm. The longest time I was awake EVER. That was soo cool.
Did I tell you that I am starting to like jewelry. Nani is teaching me all about jewels and I think I will start asking for some jewelry gifts soon. I can point to Nani's kammas and gajus.

See, I know jewelry

Deepak uncle and Jaya aunty did give me a Christmas gift. It was a tea set. I am making tea now for Nani and thatha.

Nani is so funny, see how she is making me laugh.
Funny Nani

We went shopping for 'After Christmas' sales and we spent all of monday in the malls, furniture shopping. We finally bought a sofa. We were all so tired after that.

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