Friday, February 27, 2015

My 4th birthday. Frozen. Elsa.

I'm 4!!! Yay. All my school friends came to a big frozen themed party at our home. Mommy arranged and decorated along with my help, all the cool flakes, crowns, skirts for my friends. Nana and Sona helped too. 
Then, Princess Elsa came to my birthday. It was so exciting. All my class friends were there. I gave hugs to all my friends.

Cool Nani and Ram Thatha came from New Jersey. They took me and chelle to toysrus and bought gifts for us.  

Monday, February 9, 2015

My first dentist visit. My frozen birthday prep

I went to 2 of my class friends' birthdays. They were so much fun. I am busy helping mummy with my birthday preparations. We are having a frozen theme. We are having snow flakes , tiaras, Tutus for all my friends. Princess Elsa is coming too. 

We went to a big Dinosaur show with Duggu to DC. We walked in the city, we went to the pencil (Washington monument) and played for sometime. It was so much fun.  

I started posing for pictures now. Look how I pose with one more set of new dresses from Nani. So pretty. 

I got my second report card this month and I'm doing great in everything except bible. Nana said that is Ok. 

Oh, I almost forgot. I went the dentist for the first time.  It was fun. I even got a gift.