Monday, October 21, 2013

Surprise visit to India

2 days after we came back from LA, Nana asked me if I wanted to go to India to see Nani and Thatha. I jumped up and said YAA. So, the next morning,all 4 of us went to the airport and got on a plane to Dubai. It was a very long flight. 12 hours long. I put on my headphones and watched a TV show called Hi5. They made bubbles by mixing 2 liquids. I kept asking Nana to put the headphones on. 
I called the headphones, kammal.  

Nana and I played a game on my tv called Dumbo. I enjoyed winning the game. It was a game where you turn over cards and match 2 consecutive ones. 
This is my first real video game and I was so happy to play and win against Nana 

When we finally landed in Dubai, I asked to see Nani and Thatha but Nana said we have to go on another plane. We went in new strollers, ate dosa and slept in a little cube in the airport. It was cool. 

We slept thru the rest of the flight and when we finally landed in India, Nani Thatha did not come to the airport.  Aithe Thatha came. We all went home and that is where Thatha was waiting for us. I climbed on Thatha as soon as I saw him. 

We all went into our India house. I went into all the rooms, jumped on Nani Thatha's bed and Nana mummy's bed. 

After a few minutes, I realized that I did not find Nani, so I started looking in the rest of the rooms. I asked Mummy and Nana. They told me that Nani went aachi. 

We then dropped off Nana somewhere and went to Sujata Nanis home with mummy and pandu. 

But, when I woke up this morning, I realized that Nana went to the hospital, so I told Sujata Nani about it. I'm not sure why. 

LA again but without Nana

We went to LA again to meet Ammamma, Thatha and everyone. And to see Dhruv. 
Mummy's office was closed because of a government shutdown. We will be going back to Nana today, after 12 days. 
I missed Nana and Nana missed us a lot. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Relaxed weekend

We are tired of all the travel so we just relaxed on the weekend after the LA trip. Also found out that Dhruv broke his leg. Ammamma and Thatha are going to LA to see him. 
We went to a buffet with our neighbors and it was Luke's birthday party on the block. We had fun driving cars around. 

We went to a fund raiser organized by uncle Steve and Mary Aunty. 

And on Tuesday, a government shutdown started, so mommy was home. We all went to the farm. After that, mommy decided that we will all go back to LA. (No daddy :(()

Oh, I almost forgot. We bought a new car for mummy. It's a Toyota Prius.  

Big trip to LA

Mummy, Nana, Chelle and I went to LA for 4 days. It was my first trip to the west coast. We went for Eshu's 2nd birthday party. It was in a farm and we had a lot of fun. Going to the airport, going in the plane, getting to meet Eshu and Dhruv. 

We played and shared toys, took pictures and went to a fun play area. 
Nana, Mama, Eshu and I went to the swimming pool. I learnt to float with a bean all by myself. I did not want Nana to hold me after some time. In the farm, I went on a pony ride by myself. 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Reston zoo with chelle

We had a quiet weekend. Mummy went out of town on Saturday. We had a fun day with Nana. We went to Dunkin Donuts for breakfast. Then we went to the Foxwoods park and played on the swings and slides. We came home and called Sritha Akka over. She fed me while Nana fed chelle. Then, we 3 went to Purcelville to get a back trail. Chelle and I can ride on the bike with Nana now. How cool is that. 

And Sunday was vinayaka chavithi. We went to the Reston zoo in the afternoon and prayed and sang in the evening.