Thursday, November 22, 2012

Diwali, Thanksgiving, Vishnu pooja, Aquarium,drama...

Oh God! There is so much going on. I am talking and saying so many words. We had a lot of fireworks on Diwali with our neighbors. We the had a Diwali party to celebrate.We also had a Vishnu sahasranamam at our house Many aunties came and Taman came. I played with him and shared my toys.

I have been learning a lot of words.I am into Shrek. I like the donkey and the princess. I am enjoying my Gymboree class a lot. I play with the teacher now and help her.
I am starting to dislike food. Maaam as I call it. I feel like drinking milk all the time. Nana is making me drink it twice at night but I still want more. I am giving Mommy a hard time with the feeding also.
I know numbers from 1 to 10. And I can say them without any help.I can say A B C and D.
I am starting to play with our neighbors, Bindu aunty and Sritha Akka.Everytime we facetime Nani and Thatha I ask to see Jeja. And with Chinna Nani, I ask for Sparky immediately. I dont talk to chinna nani that much, because I always focus on Sparky.
I almost forgot, we went to Baltimore to the Aquarium. We saw dolphins, Stingrays, Sharks, turtles and fishes. I liked them all.

Nana: Pari, story cheppu
Pari: Aitheeeee

Mummy: Pari, maam thintava
Pari: Buush...baanthoon (peepee and bathroom)

Mummy: Pari, ammama emantadhi
Pari: Raaamaaa, Krishnaaaaaa

I ask for Bikkis

Pari loves saying ooops

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Super storms, New Jersey visit, guests at home, Halloween

For Halloween this year, Nana and I went and bought the costume and I picked to be a cow.We went for trick or treating in our neighborhod. We had a halloween clock party too.

We went to New Jersey to Chinna Nani and Thathas place.  I had fun with sparky. Thatha threw a party to welcome me and Sona. We went to Ram Thathas home too and Ammama made a lot of tasty things to eat.
We came back rushing to avoid super storm Sandy.We avoided it and so did Virginia but New Jersey had a lot of flooding. Nani, Thatha and Abhi Mama's homes lost power. Abhi Mama and Shila attha came to our home to live with us for a week.
We had so much fun....I learnt NICE from Attha.I learnt to HELLO to everyone I see from Mama. I became friends with them. We all went to Luray caverns.

Halloween party